On windows 11, the document type I create the most through right click / new menu is the text document, Today, i click in a folder, and it is missing, and in its place was a bunch of open office document types !
Turns out to bring it back I have to put the following text in a .reg file and run it, then restart explorer or windows
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="Text Document"
But now since I am here, I want to also add a new => html file to that very menu
1- Create a file called (template.html) ideally you would want to save it in %Allusersprofile%\Templates
, in my case the explicit location would be “C:\ProgramData\Templates”, but you will probably get an access denied error, to spare you the hassle of working around that, you can simply create a new folder inside C:\ProgramData\ called ExtraTemplates and store the file there
Now, put the following in a reg file and run it
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00