Microsoft VS code plugins for the Laravel Developer

The following is a list of plugins I have installed to help with Laravel Development, I will add to them as I go, I will also remove the ones i don’t think were worth it from the list as well

PluginWhat forHow to usePublisher
PrettierVery popular plugin to format your code so that it looks tidyDo take a look at the plugin’s config to tweak it to your likingPrettier
PHP IntelliSenseAdvanced Autocomplete and Refactoring support for PHPFelix Becker
PHP IntelephenseCooler than PHP IntelliSenseBen Mewburn
Laravel Extra IntellisenseSelf explanatory name !
PHP Namespace ResolverImport and expand PHP namespacesMehedi Hassan
laravel-bladeLaravel blade syntax highlightingChristian Howe
Laravel SnippetsWinnie Lin
Laravel Blade SnippetsLaravel blade snippets and syntax highlight supportWinnie Lin
Laravel goto viewQuick jump to view !codingyu
Better AlignAlign code without selecting them firstwwm
Laravel Blade WrapperSpeed up wrapping code with Blade directivesCTRL + SHIFT + TlHunte
Laravel-goto-componentsTakes you to Blade components <x-… with a clickCTRL + CLICKnaoray
DotENVSyntax highlighting for .env files !mikestead
Tailwind CSS IntellisenseIf you use Tailwind (A css library), this plugin will do all the tailwind magickTailwind Labs

Fixing my android SD card (exFat) on linux

This is probably very easy to use on windows, but i could not find a windows machine,

A quick solution that was not very clear at first was as follows, before you do this, make sure you have unmounted the SD card !

apt-get install exfat-utils

And then run the command

sudo exfatfsck /dev/mmcblk0p1

Got a few of the following error, and answered yes to all

ERROR: unknown entry type 0xc1.
Fix (Y/N)? y

And that was that

Varnish would not listen on port 80 on debian 11 and 12 (Bookworm)

So, before we start, I assume you have already installed Varnish the casual way, and that you have made sure you do not have something else occupying port 80, if nginx for example is listening on port 80, try this post to switch it to a different port (Changing the default port 80 on nginx), if it is a different app, just follow that app’s instructions to change it’s port before asking varnish to listen on it.

To check that port 80 is not occupied and free to use, try the following command

netstat -anpe | grep "80" | grep "LISTEN"

If for example you want to know what ports nginx is listening to, try one of the following commands

netstat -tlpn| grep nginx
ss -tlpn| grep nginx

Within the results, check if any are using port 80, mind you, a service using port 8083 for example will show up, you need to see if anything is using port 80 , Now, install varnish with the following command.

apt-get install varnish

As you may have noticed, and probably the reason why you are here, varnish will not work !

this is somewhat of an old problem, since Debian moved to systemD back with the Debian 8 release (Jessie), instead of editing the file in /etc/default/varnish, you will need to create a file in /etc/systemd/system/ and name it varnish.service, the contents of such a file should look like the following, note that is the IP varnish should be listening on, one of the IPs assigned to the machine running varnish.

So to run the following command

systemctl edit varnish.service
Description=Varnish HTTP accelerator
Documentation= man:varnishd

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/varnishd -j unix,user=vcache -F -a -T localhost:6082 -f /etc/varnish/default.vcl -S /etc/varnish/secret -s malloc,256m


Once you have added the file execute the following

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart varnish

Should i let varnish cache in RAM or switch to disk ?

Note that the configuration file above uses RAM to cache the content, My recommendation is to use DISK (Disk is cached in ram in a more dynamic and more useful way utilizing all the ram you are not using, while keeping it available to any app that needs it), but that is just me…

To switch from RAM to File system, replace the following in the above as follows

"-s malloc,512m" becomes "-s file,/path/to/cahce/file.bin,100G"

Now, if you want to flush the varnish cache, you don’t have to remove everything ! you can use the varnishadm command to control the cache

Don’t let the keyword “Ban” fool you, it bans the existing copy of the cache, but does not prevent it from getting re-cached

- A domain's cache: varnishadm "ban ~"

- File type: varnishadm "ban req.url ~ .css"

- Both the above: varnishadm "ban ~" && req.url ~ .css"

- a URL varnishadm "ban req.url ~ /directory/andmaybefile"

- whole cache: varnishadm "ban req.url ~ ."

- Every png on domain: varnishadm ban == '&&' req.url '~' '\\.png$'

ffmpeg cheat sheet

Combine video and audio (yt-dlp)

First of all, after using yt-dlp to download 2 webm files for a video, you can combine them without reencoding using the following command (See here), Just make sure both files are VP8 or VP9

ffmpeg -i ao.webm -i vo.webm -c:v copy -c:a copy output.webm

Extract segment from video

To extract the section from the file resulting from the first command above

1- From second x, and duration in seconds

ffmpeg -ss 285 -i g_in.mkv -t 5475 -map 0 -c copy g_out.mkv

2- From second x to second y

ffmpeg -copyts -ss 4633 -i g_in.mkv -to 5470 -map 0 -c copy g_p2.mkv

Convert file

Converting a file you have downloaded using 1 or any other file into MP4 (H264), since some windows computers will not play a webm file !

ffmpeg -i source264.mp4 -c:v libx265 -crf 28 -preset fast -c:a aac -b:a 128k  -filter:v fps=25 out265.mp4

If you want to cut a part of the video, without re-encoding it

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vcodec copy -acodec copy -ss 00:01:00.000 -t 00:00:02.000 output.mp4

nVidia (GPU) : Convert H264/H265

Nvidia graphics card to convert H265 (MKV) to H264 MP4, Using nvidia hardware encoder to encode video into H264 or H265 !

To checks whether hardware encoders are available or not, run the command

ffmpeg -encoders | findstr /ic:"NVIDIA"

If the following two lines are in the command, you can use the nVidia encoder, the first codec is H264, and the second is for H265 (HEVC)

V....D h264_nvenc           NVIDIA NVENC H.264 encoder (codec h264)
V....D hevc_nvenc           NVIDIA NVENC hevc encoder (codec hevc)

ffmpeg.exe -vsync 0 -hwaccel cuda -i <input_file> -map 0  -c:a copy -c:v h264_nvenc -pix_fmt yuv420p -preset hq <output_file>

-vsync : Synchronize video audio and metadata using the video timestamp
-hwaccel cuda : Use nVidia’s cuda for hardware accelleration

Example, Convert mkv to mp4 (Tested OK)

Now, with the above out of the way, the following command should encode your 1080P mkv H265 video to H264 ! all within GPU, so this re-encodes an nVidia compatible format to another nVidia compatible format, on my 1650 card, it was encoding at 12x. this provides better compatibility, if smaller file size and quality are what you seek, then you should do it the other way around

ffmpeg -i "1080p.mkv" -c:v h264_nvenc -pix_fmt yuv420p -minrate 500k -maxrate 1000k -c:a mp3 -b:a 128k "1080p.mp4"

The other way around

ffmpeg -i "1080p.mp4" -c:v hevc_nvenc -pix_fmt yuv420p -minrate 200k -maxrate 1000k -c:a aac -b:a 128k "1080p.mkv"

NOTE: The above does everything within the GPU, if for example you wanted the decoding on CPU, that will make things much slower because the decoded video (Huge) will still need to be copied to the GPU,

nVidia : DVD to H265

Encoding H265 with my entry level GPU (1650) is around five to fifteen times faster than with CPU (6 core, 12 thread i7-4930K), CPU was running at around 50% load through the encoding

Now one very common task people want to execute is converting their old, bulky DVD collection to H265 (Or H264 if they value compatibility over size and clarity), DVD files are usually on a DVD in the Video_TS folder, and the AudioTS folder, So this will create a few cases

Case 1: Audio_ts folder is empty, Video TS folder has files that you know the order they should be displayed in, the objective is to put them all in one video file (Assuming MKV but the container is your choice), in this case, I usually start by converting all the videos to H265, then combine them, here, most of my videos are interlaced (that will be dealt with with yadif), and sometimes, they are files of different resolutions, so I will unify their size

ffmpeg -i "v1.VOB" -c:v hevc_nvenc -c:a aac -b:a 256k -vf yadif,scale=1920:1080 -x265-params "crf=22:min-keyint=25:keyint=50" -preset slow "d1.mkv"

Now, create a list of the files

(for %i in (*.mkv) do @echo file '%i') > mylist.txt

And concatenate the videos

ffmpeg -f concat -i mylist.txt -c copy output.mkv
Now, to batch process a folder on the command line... in this example i am lowering the resolution of files to FHD from 4K
for /f "tokens=1 delims=." %a in ('dir /B *.mp4') do ffmpeg -i "%a.mp4" "%a.1080.mp4"

And here is one meant to extract the audio from all the MP4 files


for /f "tokens=1 delims=." %a in ('dir /B *.mp4') do ffmpeg -i "%a.mp4" -vn -acodec copy "%a.aac"


for i in *.mp4; do ffmpeg -i "$i" -vn -acodec copy "${i%.*}.aac"; done

Split audio file

ffmpeg -i 2024-07-27_20_38_2.m4a -f segment -segment_time 1740 output_%03d.m4a

Converting MKV to MP4

Here is a case where my MKV file contains the audio in AAC, and the video in H264, As you slide the slider in VLC media player, it tells you what the section is about, i should be able to copy the streams exactly as they are, but I was concerned that the “Slider Hints” would disappear, hence I split it into audio and video without re-encoding, checked that the hints are still there in the video, then combined them into an MP4, also without encoding, the reason I wanted the container to be MP4 is that sometimes I access my network files in a browser, and browsers seem more comfortable playing MP4 files than MKV

* ffmpeg -i My_Dinner_With_Andre_1981.mkv -vn -acodec copy ao.aac
* ffmpeg -i My_Dinner_With_Andre_1981.mkv -an -c:v copy vo.mp4
* ffmpeg -i ao.aac -i vo.mp4 -c:v copy -c:a copy My_Dinner_With_Andre_1981.mp4

firewallD cheat sheet


firewall-cmd --reload

Dealing with zones

* firewall-cmd --get-zones <- Show all zone names
* firewall-cmd --list-all-zones <- Detailed info about all zones
* firewall-cmd --zone=zone-name --list-all <- show everything about a certain zone
* firewall-cmd --get-default-zone <- What is the current default zone
* firewall-cmd --set-default-zone zone-name <- set new default zone
* firewall-cmd --get-active-zones <- List the active zones and the interfaces assigned to them
* firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --change-interface=enp1s0 <- connect the public zone to eth0, REQUIERS RELOAD

Giving SFTP access to a user for a certain directory !

In this mini tutorial, I will be adding the user kareem to the system, and allow kareem to sftp into a web directory where he can post his web design work, as usual, the steps first, then whatever explanations !

There are two ways to do this, one to add one user, the other to add a group of users, you can either pick one, or do both !

The part in common between both solutions

apt-get install openssh-server
adduser kareem
Then enter a new password twice for kareem

The interesting thing about this sftp user business is that the directory we will specify as the root for the user kareem has to be owned by root ! so go ahead and create the directory /var/www/html/usr/kareem, then execute the following commands

chown root:root /var/www/html/usr
chmod 755 /var/www/html/usr

chown kareem:kareem /var/www/html/usr/kareem

Now, the user kareem owns a directory within his root directory that he can write to, and can not write outside that directory since he does not have the OS permissions, Now, let us add kareem to the list of people who have sftp access but not ssh access.

Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and append the following to the document

Match User kareem
ForceCommand internal-sftp
PasswordAuthentication yes
ChrootDirectory /var/www/html/usr
PermitTunnel no
AllowAgentForwarding no
AllowTcpForwarding no
X11Forwarding no

Now, restart the service by executing the following command

systemctl restart ssh

You are done, try connecting with something like winSCP

Besides winSCP, you can also simply mount the linux filesystem where you have permissions on your windows machine, here are the complete instructions on how to do that

Playing games after 20 years

I haven’t played any games in 20 years, up until early this month, I played a simple game on my phone, nice, but I’m not addicted, no urge to pick up the phone

So, having no windows PC of my own, i decided to install the open source supertuxkart on my debian (gnome) machine

the game is a joke compared to modern day graphics and physics, but it is fun, with things like bombs and banana skins and stuff, i don’t think i will be playing it often, but there you have it

Resume bad blocks where it was stopped

The answer to this should be simple, I initiated the test with

badblocks -nsv /dev/sdb

, first, interrupt bad blocks with ctrl+c, the output should be

Checking for bad blocks in non-destructive read-write mode
From block 0 to 1953514583
Checking for bad blocks (non-destructive read-write test)
Testing with random pattern:   0.92% done, 49:38 elapsed. (0/0/0 errors)
 21.32% done, 18:49:24 elapsed. (0/0/0 errors)

Interrupted at block 416437376

Interrupt caught, cleaning up

Okay, so we know what blocks it was supposed to check (1 through 1953514583), and where it was interrupted (416437376)

So i will ask it to resume testing from where it finished (-1), up to the end

badblocks -nsv /dev/sdb 1953514583 416437375

n = Non destructive
s = Show progress
v = tell us about what you find !

The new run should tell you the percentage correctly, but the time counter will be reset to zero, as it is only counting how long this run has been running for

One thing to note is that bad blocks can be used to instruct the filesystem to avoid the bad blocks, but it also allows the disk’s firmware to substitute bad blocks with spare blocks, so that the disk works again with no intervention from your end !

So for my 2TB hard drive…

416437375 = 21% (13 hours)
619014719 = 31.6% (+23:22)
627995199 = 32.15% (+1:04)
667782398 = 34.18% (+4:46)
715469885 = 36.62% (+5:44)
827834875 = 42.38%

While running the tests, you might want to keep an eye on the hard drive temperature with a command like

hddtemp /dev/sdb

To create a log file of the bad blocks, every run should have it’s own file !

badblocks -nsv -o /root/badblocks3.txt /dev/sdb 1953514583 627995198

The concatenation of those files you are creating is very useful in creating a file system if you ever decide to format the drive later !, but the recommended way is using badblocks with the other disk tools directly

while the test is running, you will see 3 numbers that correspond to readerror/writeerror/corruptionerror

Pixel 6 stuff

To begin with, the links here are Amazon associate links, what this means is that buying things using those links will result in a commission for me ! to recap. “As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.”

What I am trying to do is to create a cover that allows me to switch between USB OTG devices easily at the workshop, so i created a 3D printed connector that fits with the following parts, the STL for that model will be provided once I use it and make sure it works, In addition to the pixel 6 pro, have made the 3D printed connector holder for the Samsung Galaxy S10, S10+, Ulefone Power 5, Ulefone Armor 3,

The external camera also has a 3D printed case design which I will also share… the screen protector has nothing to do with the project, but i am getting it anyways because it is nice if you have screen protection at the workshop, the screen protection uses UV curing adhesive ! which may or may not ruin your oleophobic coating on your screen (remains to be seen)

Things that I am getting

Screen protector Here said to work best with the fingerprint sensor (Once you use the penny trick), and tough enough to stay put with those curved edges !

2 phone covers here (Shaded Spurce (Green) and Slate (Grey))

4 of USB C Magnetic Adapter here, 2 Elbow and 2 Flat Elbow

Things that I don’t want to buy but are worth mentioning

Google’s Air Buds (Pixel) are on sale for $99 (here) and the pro are discounted at $199 (Here), I personally like my ugreen with qualcom chipset, So i don’t think i will get the google ones any time soon, but they are here for ref.