This tutorial is relatively old, it was done for a friend, native SIP support on android phones has been removed by google, SIP VOIP applications such as ZOIPER, GSWave, ACR, groundwire (And it’s cousin “softphone by Acrobits”), A key for battery life with those apps seems to be push notifications support (You need to allow it)
Basically I need to give a friend of mine who is traveling a VOIP account of a special kind, So to make his experience as simple as possible, I took screenshots of the setup process, but generalized them enough for anyone who wants to setup a SIP account on zoiper.
Step1 : Install zoiper from the google play store, here is a link Install Zoiper , any other SIP CLIENT will do, but this one is the one i made the instructions for.
For iPhone, a nice SIP client seems to be SessionTalk which supports (Push notifications), this is important for your phone’s battery, otherwise it will drain in no time flat!
HINT: From here on, Just look at the pictures, no need to read all this text unless you need to know more things
Step 2: Open zoiper, then go to the config panel, then to accounts.
Step 3: Click the “add account” to add an account to zoiper
Step 4: When asked if you already have a VOIP account, Answer with YES
Step 5: When asked if you want to configure manually, or select a provider, You would want to go with the manual configuration.
Step 6: Now you need to set the account type, zoiper supports both SIP (Session Initiation protocol) which is more or less both a good standard and the defector standard in VOIP, this is the one we want, the other is called IAX (Inter Asterisk Exchange) which is specific to Asterisk, an open source VOIP system
Step 7: Now, we need to give zoiper some settings to know where and how to connect, This data was given to you by your provider,
Account name: Any name you want, for example, the name of the provider, or how you use this account, you can call it my NY number, or TheTech, or any other name you want to use to identify this account
Host: The address of the server, this can be something like or, any internet address whether FQDN or IP address should do.
Username: Self explanatory really
Password: Also self explanatory