Today, as i was managing my PLESK Version 9 for Windows server, i noticed that every website i put a tick beside and tried to remove (deleting all files and all related), i ended up disabling and it just won’t get removed
So here is the solution
Open the command prompt
in the command prompt (CMD) change the directory to the plesk bin directory like so
cd c:ParallelsPleskadminbin
Then, execute the command
domain.exe --remove
You should now find that the domain is no longer in the list of domains.
Sometimes i get an error deleting stating that a file (dll) in system32 directory is in use by…. the answer is reboot the server, then try deleting a few times with the command above until you see the success message
Just like the previous post, the reason why running from the command line works and from the control panel does not work is unknown to me.